
Jill here. Older and hopefully wiser…but, older at least.

Thanks for all of the birthday wishes via Twitter, Facebook, Blog comments…you know, all the social networking options were covered and I felt the love. So, thanks. Today is my Dad’s birthday! We have always enjoyed sharing our birthdays…every other year we picked what meal my mom would make. I would always pick spaghetti and my dad would pick corned beef and cabbage. Random fact of the day! But, Happy Birthday to my Dad who is the best Dad in the world…I love you!

I did a little math this morning (which I generally try to avoid) and realized that I have lived over 10,000 days on this wonderful, crazy planet. That’s a lot of days. As I reflect on those days, I am grateful. Not every one of those were great days. Some were actually pretty bad. Some were pretty amazing. Some were mundane. But they all counted. They all added up to the 10,000(+). Β They all have been stepping stones and I can appreciate that as I look back.

I read a quote recently that said “Smooth seas do not make skillful sailors.”

The bad days, the mundane days, the days that are a struggle, the days when the seas are choppy…they mold us and develop our skills as sailors. I like that concept.

Some days I feel like I really have it figured out. Things are stable. Life is smooth. People are good.

Some days I feel like “What the HECK am I doing? How did I get here and how do I get out?”

I used to think there would come a day where everything would get figured out and all the days from there on out would be smooth sailing. In some ways, I think that would be nice, but at the same time…how boring is that? The variety keeps life interesting. It also builds character and personality…faith and understanding…

So maybe I’ll have 10,000 more days…or maybe less…or maybe more…and some will be fantastic, some will be disappointing, some will go by quickly, some will feel like they’re never gonna end….but all of them will count.

Enjoy your days. If you’re in a rough patch, it will get better. And I fully believe it does get better and better over time. Remember that. When the seas are choppy, it just means you’re working on becoming a better sailor. When the seas are calm, relax and enjoy the ride. Take it all in.

I hope today is a wonderful one for everyone.


18 Responses to “Days.”

  1. Jaclyn Says:

    Aw, I love the whole sailor analogy. I did some math too and this is my 8,401st day of life (including leap years but not including time in the womb haha)…also, my 23rd year…look at that, your Dad and I share the same birthday! πŸ˜› March birthdays FTW!

  2. Amanda Says:

    This is kinda beautiful, Jill. I agree. Now I think I’m gonna go figure out my own days count. Haha! I hope today is a great day for you! And tomorrow and the next day after that. Keep on keepin’ on.

    Oh, and glad your birthday was stellar. I also had a good day yesterday, so just think of it as a day in your honor.

  3. Erin Says:

    that was deep. i’m glad your birthday rocked!

  4. Selena Says:

    Well, Happy Birthday to Papa Pickering! I guess you could say he got an early birthday present the year you were born! πŸ˜‰

    We’ve all had a mixture of days, but that sailing analogy sure put some things into perspective, huh?! Nice one!

    Oh, and by the way, if you’d like to calculate the precise amount of time you’ve been on the planet, but without having to do the math, enter your DOB at this site. Itll bring up other b-day facts for you too, so scroll through and enjoy!

  5. Tina Says:

    Amazing blog Jill, I really enjoyed reading it and I must think about those metaphors in bad and good days. Thanks!

  6. lucy_elenore Says:

    You have a sensitive nature, miss jill.
    Keep on writing πŸ™‚

  7. Anakellya Says:

    love this. (:

  8. nataliana3 Says:

    great blog Jill, thanks:)

  9. Lynne Says:

    So I definitely think you did get a little wiser πŸ˜‰

    Great blog and concept I really like it!! Lately I’ve been feeling down or in a rut partly because of myself and partly because people around me have a sad outlook on life and I have come to the conclusion over the last couple days that I’m living each day and I’m gonna be happy and even with choppy waters I want to remember life is good and I also want others to see that it’s not so bad!! anyways ….LOVE the blog πŸ™‚

  10. Lynne Says:

    so just read it again and i have to say it again…..


  11. Kim Says:

    It’s crazy because I just wrote a similar post in my private journal. Thank you for having that well rounded attitude that so many can learn from.

    I always love when you write Jill.. it’s thought provoking..

    And today I needed that! πŸ˜‰

  12. directorSandy Says:

    Great blog Jill. I love it! And Happy Birthday to you and your Dad. β™₯

  13. Amy Says:

    “You can’t stop the waves, but you can learn to surf.” Jon Kabat-Zinn

  14. ChasingStorms Says:


    also a good one: If life gives you lemons, ask for salt an tequila…
    i guess when ur on the ground life only can GET better.

    there’s one of my fav quotes by stephen king: The world has teeth and it could bite you with them anytime it wants. i’m a more kind of pessimistic/careful person.

    i’m glad ur doing great. happy birthday to your day and YES my day was perfect. πŸ™‚

    have fun


  15. Erin Says:

    Wow, dude. That was deep and totally inspirational! My life has been a proverbial tsunami lately, but the beautiful thing about life is that it’s always changing. I may feel like I’m getting carried away by a flood right now, but that feeling isn’t necessarily gonna last.

    One of my favorite quotes (by Einstein, I think) is: “People often pass up opportunity because it shows up dressed in overalls and looks a lot like work.”

    I generally try to avoid math as well, especially anytime before noon! lol

    Happy birthday to your dad!

  16. cassie Says:

    great words Jill! very inspiring and thoughtful. hope y’all had fantastic days!

  17. Miriam Says:

    Dear Jill, that was a really awesome post. That is all! πŸ™‚

  18. Monica Says:

    So…. this is added to the list of best blogs.
    Wise words. True words. Encouraging words.

    I giggled at the meal your dad picks out. Very Irish and fitting for that week.

    Hope your next 10,000 years are filled with joy! πŸ™‚

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