KiLA. Adventureland. Farkle. Drumming dreams…

“Kila” is my Hawaiian name. If you ask me, that’s a pretty cool name…sometimes i go by Kila instead of Jill…way cooler. Go find your Hawaiian name at:

Has anyone seen “Adventureland” yet? I’m wondering if it’s worth going to the theater for or if it’s more of a DVD’er. Any input will be gladly accepted. 

I’m really into Farkle right now. It’s a crazy dice game that my friends have gotten me addicted to. What’s worse? I bought the Farkle Deluxe Application on my iPhone and i think i need Farkle Rehab.  093514069113Have i ever mentioned that i wish i could be a drummer? I really am awful at it. No, really…ask around. But i LOVE it. It’s so fun to just hit things really hard. 

Well, that’s about it from me. I know you’re sad that this wonderful blog is over. 

Oh. And…GO SOX! …obviously.


35 Responses to “KiLA. Adventureland. Farkle. Drumming dreams…”

  1. Samantha Says:

    I’ve never heard of Farkle. What exactly is it? I do love games. My friends and I have started to have game night with adult beverages. It’s a lot of fun.

    I wish I could help with the Adventureland viewing. I haven’t seen it yet. I did hear that it was pretty funny, but whether or not that is accurate is beyond me.

    Ha and my hawaiian name is Kawaka. Lovely.

  2. Pam Says:

    i can cheat because i have 2 hawaiian names- Pam is Pama and Pamela Pamila. i totally like the Pamela name better 🙂

    i REALLY want to see “Adventureland” too because Bill Hader and Kristen Wiig from SNL are in it…but i heard it got bad reviews. i might see it this weekend though. if i do, i’ll let you know if it’s worth it or not.

    and i played the drums about 2 years ago for 2 months. i got taught by this British guy and that was awesome. 🙂 but for some reason i had the hardest time hitting the pedal and the drums at the same time. it was the first time that i realized how uncoordinated i am haha! so you’re not the only one…

  3. Pam Says:

    i forgot to mention…

    two words: morse code.

    type in anything..i like using my name…and it gives it to you in morse code and you can listen to it. idk, i thought it was humorous 🙂

  4. Monica Says:

    Okay. That is lame. Monika is my Hawaiian name.. Yours is so much better.

    I haven’t even seen a commercial for Adventureland, but my madre saw it and I think she said it wasn’t as good as it looked. I actually haven’t been the the movies since last June, and that was to see Hancock. Will Smith – woot woot.

    Farkle looks like something I’d like. And speaking of dice… I really would like to play yahtzee right now.

    And dude, drumming is great! Well, I don’t know that. But I used to take lessons like.. 5 years or so ago. And yea, I had the same problem as Pam (comment above me), bad foot pedal and hand coordination. The other day though I found a pair of my drum sticks and had fun just hitting random stuff while listening to music. It’s fun. And even funner on a drum set where it’s really loud. Love it.

    yesssss. go sox!!!! so pumped for the season!

    Nice getting a blog from ya, Jill, or shall I say, Kila? =)

  5. Tina Says:

    Well Kila, apparently I’m Kina haha 😀 Kinda funny since my cousin used to called me that when she was little.

    Now I really want to try and play Farkle, lol. What a funny name. Haven’t heard about ‘Adventureland’ though.

    And drumming is definitely one of the things I want to learn in the future! I absolutely adore drums, and hitting things ha. And yes, I am sad that this blog is over!

  6. Holly Says:

    Beth, Mandi and I went to see Adventureland a couple days ago…. It was ok, cute with a couple funny parts but no where near as good as they make it seem…. plus side, Mandi and I shared a huge thing of nachos that were pretty awesome.

    so yeah, I would wait til the dvd comes out… unless you and Kate plan on sharing some nachos, nachos are always worth a trip to the movies.

    alrighty, I’m off to go find out what my hawaiian name is…. hmmm…

  7. Fouts Says:

    I saw Adventureland (Thankfully a matinee) and i think it is a DVDer….it just didn’t live up to how the previews made it out to be….it had its moments but yeah….i think the best thing was laughing @ the horrible 80s fashion, ahh flashbacks!

    I have come to realize Kristen Stewart is not the greatest actress….she plays every character the same….loosen up girlie!!!

  8. TB Says:

    Adventureland is not worth going to the theaters to see! It had a couple moments where it was good but thats it.

    Not gonna lie, I prefer Yahtzee… Ever played? Love it.

    Lol you could just buy a punching bag and hit that really hard instead! The drums are awesome tho.. Grew up around them b/c of my step-dad! Even my 4yr old niece has a drum set. Ha

    Ha I have 2 Hawaiian names: Kipani & Linohau … Lol don’t know how to pronounce the 2nd one.

    Thanks for the blog Kila!

  9. vanilla Says:

    my hawaiian name is ema instead of emma so not a massive change but kila is pretty cool !!!!

    adventureland aint out here in the UK and farkle i wanna play it sounds fun!!!!!

    As for drummer ive always wanna be a drummer but my mum says im not allowed a drum kit so rockband it is for me !!!!! but yeah i get the banging something really hard wheither its drum or saucepans as a kid i love it too !!!!!

    u say red-sox i say go BREWERS !!!! (my local team Burton Albion need a point to win there league !!!!)

  10. Erin Says:

    Jill, you’re hilarious. I love your hawaiian name. It’s pretty.
    I’ve never heard of farkle before, but I guess it’s time to try it out.
    I tried to be a drummer once, it was an epic failure. It was fun to hit things though.
    I’m curious about adventureland as well. It looks interesting, but I’m waiting to rent it. It’s cheaper.

    GO CUBS!

  11. Amanda Says:

    Kila is an ill Hawaiian name.. mine is Amanaka.. clearly not as cool.

  12. cassie b Says:

    thats a sweet hawaiian name! mine is kakie haha. not so cool.

    as far as Adventureland goes, it looks funny, but probably not worth theatre time.. id probably wait for the dvd.. theres definitely a bunch of other good movies coming out like “obsessed” “ghosts of girlfriends past” and theres a few other ones too i think. haha

    ive never played farkle, but id def say that being addicted to farkle is a hell of a lot better than being addicted to anything “bad” haha. no rebab is necessary for that. 🙂 haha

    i used to play the drums when i was learning music back in the day.. (im only 21 lol) but i played in like grade school 5th-8th grade.. and i couldnt afford an actual set so i stopped playing, but youre totally right, the best part about it is being able to lash out and hit em hard! ha. i wasnt too good at it either though. lol. but i think you found your instrument.. the way you play that guitar is pretty amazing! 🙂

    hope the storms have cleared! enjoy the rest of the week! thanks for an update! =] cant wait til the 17th!!! ❤

  13. Jenny Says:

    Jill, I mean, um KiLA.. you are awesome! I think that movie looks good but im not about to pay 10 bucks to see it.. ill wait til it comes out. thats just me though. and yeah, i love drumming too! but im not good either. i dont care. and as for the sox.. um.. World F ing Champions!! Go phillies!! 🙂 but RIP Harry the K.. Hope you and Kate are doing great!!

  14. Amy Says:

    Kila! That’s a way cooler Hawaiian name than mine. Mine is Ame or Eme. Lame! I saw Adventureland and really, really liked it. I’d say you could wait and see it on dvd later though. It’s not a rush to the movies it’s so good type if you know what I mean. And yes… GO SOX! 😀

  15. jessica Says:

    the Hawaiian names i got are Kuonoono or Iekika…lekika sounds kinda cool though haha.

    as for was a good movie for kristan stewart. i liked it , my friend didn’t . but i think you should go see it at the theater 🙂 if you hate it..don’t blame me haha .

  16. Kassie Says:

    I work at a movie theater and Adventureland is not doing’ too well. We probably sell about 10 tickets a day if any. I watched it though and it’s pretty funny but not worth paying such an outrageous price. I mean it’s worth watching if you wanna laugh, but I’d wait till it comes out on dvd.
    Haha, it amazes me how much cinemark makes in a single day and I’m still getting paid less than 7.

    By the way, my friends and i are now lovin’ ‘Finding My Own Way’. I was very happy to find it on itunes.

  17. Jaclyn Says:

    I honestly have never heard of Farkle, lol…and your Hawaiian name is way cooler than mine…which is Lakaline, haha

    As for the drums…I think there are many people that are grateful I didn’t take them up, lol…I did play the flute for 4 years (5th-8th grade), but I quit…and there’s a really long story for why that I won’t get into, lol

    And I don’t know if I’ve been living under a rock lately (probably…I had 3 finals this week and I have 3 more next week), but I’ve never heard of a movie called “Adventureland”….the most recent movie I saw was Slumdog Millionaire (which I really liked)…and I only made time to see it because one of my professors said there would be an extra credit question from it on our final…there was..and I got it right 😀

  18. Panalee Says:

    I haven’t seen or wanted to see anything in the theater right now. So I’m of no help with your movie dilemna:) Though I cannot wait for the next couple of weeks for “Wolverine” and “Angels and Demons” and then the summer for “Transformers” and “Harry Potter”. Woohoo!!!

    Please do not tempt me to buy another application! Hahaha, I have too many that I can’t even keep them straight. Kinda lovin’ the fishing game and Monopoly: World edition.

    As for the drums, my best friend wants to play them too but the only thing she can manage is medium level on ‘Rock Band’…on a side note, I have my first guitar lesson tomorrow and I’m SO excited. YAY!!!

    Yeah…don’t know why I tried to find my name, I knew that they wouldn’t have it 😦 I can’t try anything else because I do not have a nickname, I do not go by my middle name (the thought of it makes me shudder. Hahaha), and the only other name I have, besides my surname of course, is my confirmation name. Which would be weird for me to go by.

    Anyway, yours is pretty cool.
    Rock on Kila!!!

  19. Jaclyn Says:

    Oh, and the closest I’ve come to playing drums is on Rockband…and let me tell you, it’s not pretty, lol…I may have had to use the “no fail” mode (while playing on easy…it’s that bad) 😛

  20. Meg Says:

    Adventureland was great. You should go check it out.

  21. higzy Says:

    I’m so gunna call you kila next time i see you, if i see you.

  22. Clara Says:

    Cool too se you blog again, feels like you never do that anymore 😛

    My Hawaiian name is really weird, it’s “Kalala” xD When you say it it sounds like you’re singing. It’s really weird, I think I will stick with my real name 😛

    Just wanna say that I’m really excited about this 17th!! Can’t y’all give a hint of which song you will cover 🙂

  23. Lauren Says:

    Lalena… i like it!

    Hmm farkle sounds pretty interesting. Ahh i’ve always,always wanted to be a drummer. Caroline Corr was my inspiration!

  24. sheena Says:

    im already late for work so i decided to find out my hawaiian name before i leave.. it Kena. i kinda dig it! i went to see adventureland the other day and i loved it. its definitely worth the trip to the movies. as for farkle.. it sounds pretty intense. i may have to check it out! hope you both are doing well.. oh and GO PHILLIES! 🙂

  25. Becca Says:

    Mine is ‘Peka’ for Becca, and “Lepeka” for Rebecca 🙂

  26. Lizita Says:

    what a RIP OFF!! Hawaii didn’t have a name for me…=( what does that even mean?? am I not cool enough to pull off two names? or is my real name just too cool for them to even attempt a follow up?

    I am not sure what I feel about this….

  27. Amanda Arch Says:

    My hawaiian name is Amanaka, not so fun.. but Mandi = Manake which was better.

    Adventureland is definitely a DVD’er. Not that I thought it was bad by any means but it is something that you can wait for.
    It was not as funny as you would have thought seeing the previews because when they advertise that its by the director of Superbad, you expect it to be really funny like Superbad was, but then its just a cute movie with some funny parts. So it kinda lifted your humour expectations and then fell flat.
    As far as just a movie though, I thought it was really cute and I liked it. Then again, I can pretty much say that I like every movie that I see unless its REALLY bad. I am easy to please when it comes to movies and television shows.

  28. Marleen Says:

    Hawaii didn’t have a name for me either.. that’s ofcourse because I have a very Dutch (and German) name 😉

    Nice to see you blogging more often Jill / Kila! 😀 I would love to drum, don’t know if I’d be any good at it though.. but that doesn’t matter if you just wanna have fun!

  29. Selena Says:

    It’s nice to hear from you again, Kila! 🙂
    Apparently, there are two different versions of my name in Hawaiian: Mahina and Kelena. I prefer the latter, as it’s closer to the real thing, and plus, it sounds like a cool hybrid between my name and Kelly. 😀

    I haven’t seen Adventureland, so I can’t really offer any firsthand input, but based on the reviews here, and your own uncertainty, I’d recommend holding out for the DVD.

    Sounds like the Farkle fever is spreading! Actually, I’ve never played it. I hadn’t even heard of it until I read Kelly’s latest blog. I’m glad you’ve got a new activity to enjoy, and as far as the rehab goes, there are far worse things to be addicted to than a game, so play on!

    You’re really good on the guitar, so I think with dedication and practice, you could be a drummer too. If not, there’s nothing wrong with just having fun with it!

    Good luck to your Sox!

    On another note, I’m looking forward to that (cover) song on the 17th from KilaandKeke…err, um…JillandKate! 😉

  30. higzy Says:

    Jill i’m also one of the Loose Women, check the photo out. You know when you were backstage at Paul O’Grady. I took the same picture when i was on my lunch break a couple of day ago.

    its a bit blurred as its taken from my phone!

    POG dog Buster

  31. Brooke Says:

    Save your $ for the next “farklely” thing….Adventurela (per the ticket stub, haha) is a rainy Saturday kinda movie….

  32. jason Says:

    first and middle name came out Iakona Elewina

  33. Jaqueline Says:

    oh, now my name is Keakulina! hahahaha LOL

    you know, here in Brazil this game Farkle has another name, and it’s culture, I’m addicted to it *-*

    love you Jill :*

  34. Jacinta Says:

    I’m late to post a comment, but since there’s no SOT17th tonight, I had to get my J&K fix somehow – so I decided to read some older posts.

    Iakineka – that’s my Hawaiian name. I can’t even pronounce it. I thought Jacinta was bad enough. I like Kila better.
    Adventureland – I liked it. Watched it on dvd though.

    Well, here’s hoping there’ll be a J&K NSOT17th posted tomorrow. 🙂

  35. Kim Rulz Says:

    haha this is like the BEST cancer joke EVER!

    Cause my hawaiian name is.. Kimo! hahahaha I totally read that and heard chemo in my head and busted up!

    Hmm.. Farkle, never heard of it.

    But the name just sounds retarded so I’d probably like it!

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