Sometimes pictures are better than words…but only sometimes.

kate looking at the beautiful sunset.

a cathedral on the canary islands.

skulls in a museum we walked through.

a coke form morocco.

kate riding a camel in morocco.

a pirate ship. arghh.

a cool building.

a yummy new favorite brand of wine we found.

the clouds were insanely cool.

jill and kate with their heads in a coffee plant.

31 Responses to “Sometimes pictures are better than words…but only sometimes.”

  1. Jacinta Says:

    Nice pictures! I love the cathedral and the pic of the clouds. Thanks for sharing…looks like you had a lot of well-deserved fun. 🙂 The pirate ship would’ve scared me, though.

  2. anakellya Says:

    ha! rad pics! looks like you had fun! 🙂 you’re gonna make soooo many more memories in the uk.. trust! we’ve gotten better since the last time (: hahaa,

  3. Jessica C Says:

    love the pics, so pretty!! i want to ride a camel 🙂

  4. carolfritz Says:

    The sunset and clouds are beautiful!
    And the skulls totally remind me of the Mutter Museum here in Philly!
    Thanks for sharing! 🙂

  5. Melissa Says:

    These pictures are amazing.

    I want to ride a camel! And see a real pirate ship haha. Obviously my life is not complete yet & I have things to add to my bucket list.

    Looks like you girls had a great time over there!

  6. Monica Says:

    I read the first caption as, “Kate looking beautiful.” haha, I mean, that would have been an appropriate caption, too.

    The coffee plant picture.. that’s adorable. You girls would definitely do something like that.

    Thanks for sharing your lovely adventures! 🙂

  7. Pam Says:

    i’m so jealous that you’ve ridden a camel! it looks so awesome. Jill, did you ride one too? and that coffee plant picture looks really artsy 🙂

    “a pirate ship. arghh.” that made me laugh. 🙂

  8. Jaclyn Says:

    That sunset is sooo pretty…I haven’t seen the sun in a while…I’m in need of a vitamin D fix, haha

    Those skulls are pretty cool though…I wonder how old they are.

    I’m jealous you got to go to the Canary Islands and Morocco (and wherever else you went)…I love places with a lot of history. I’d be a little afraid of riding a camel though, haha…I just wouldn’t know what to expect from it…then again, I’ve never even been up close to a horse, so…

    And the coffee plant…of course 😉

  9. 1wildegirl Says:

    Awesome pics, pirate ships, skulls, camels…quite a mix. Camels are so much cooler than a pony, btw. Those clouds totally reminded me of Starry Night. And, love that the new wine is from California. 🙂

  10. Nina Says:

    cool pics xD

    you know kate, if i was a friend of yours i would say: HEY A CAMEL ON A CAMEL!
    but since i’m unfortunately NOT i say: AWESOOOOME CAMEL RIDING!
    btw where are the jill pics?


  11. crystal Says:

    yay for cool pictures! looks like you guys had a pretty sweet vacation!

  12. risty Says:

    very cool pics! 🙂 Thanks for sharing. 🙂

  13. vanilla Says:

    hey ladies lovin the pics especially the sunset one

    please tell me the camel’s name was humphrey lol

    cheers for sharing them where in the canaries did u go i love it there xx

  14. Mary B Says:

    Awesome pics ladies!!!! COFFEE PLANT!!! Sry did I just scream that. Camels are cool lol love the architecture… Neat stuff hope I get to travel alot!!!

    Keep em coming!!!

  15. Khitam Says:

    Sweet pictures. Love the pirate shit and the arabic writing on the coke bottle. Too bad that’s not actually a soda…..i meeeaan

    • Melissa Says:

      Hahahahaha Khitam! Don’t you mean pirate SHIP? Oohh you made my day just now

      • Khitam Says: I cant even explain why I said shit. I guess that’s the natural flow of my fingers on the keyboard. Ive must have typed “shit” too many times in my life time. Oh man… hilarious

    • Jacinta Says:

      Haha! Gooooo Khitam!! I read that and just thought you were saying pirate shi*. So, guess I’m used to your regular posts over at Facebook. Hahaha

  16. riaNa Says:

    beautiful shots!

  17. Selena Says:

    Those are some really nice shots. Kudos to the photographer(s)! 🙂
    Looks like the trip provided lots of interesting sights and experiences. Thanks for sharing.

  18. Sarah Says:

    Cool pics (although I’ll admit that the skulls gave me the heeby jeebies. LOL!)! It looks like you all had a wonderful time! 🙂


  19. Erin Says:

    cool pictures.
    i don’t think there’s any better place to be than in a coffee plant.
    looks like you guys had a good time!

  20. BostonHolly Says:

    As an architecture nerd I have to say those are awesome pics! And I love the camel…be careful, they spit.

  21. kevin Says:

    now back to work , but ireland is reall y nice!

  22. Myriam Says:

    Picture blog on my birthday. Kind of awesome!!

  23. cassie Says:

    haha sweet pictures ladies!! the pirate ship picture you should tell everyone that you had someone else take the picture and that y’all were on that small boat/canoe passing through hahaha

  24. Amanda Says:

    Sweeeet pictures!

    On an unrelated note, my best friends decided to steal my Friends DVDs tonight and when I walked into their apartment a little while later, they were watching your favorite episode! I forgot how funny it was. Ross in Ugly Naked Guy’s apartment. Epic! Hahaha.

  25. Emzy Says:

    So cool of you guys to share your holiday pics. Im going to barcelona in may, so excited as ive never been to spain before. Looking forward to looking at all the historic buildings…… yeh im a geek haha.
    Look forward to seeing you guys on the 7th in manchester, its gonna be crazy!

  26. ewelasob Says:

    So sweet pics:)

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